The story follows Sophie Bennett who, along with her two stepsisters, runs a successful wedding planning business. Sophie is the miracle worker of the group, always getting the most outrageous demands for her brides and making it look easy. But when Shelby Archer hires her company, her skills are put to the test. Shelby is getting married in less than two months, wants a hemp dress, a completely green wedding and most importantly, to be married at the "Princess House."
And boy does she try. But while Sophie and Owen are trying to find some way to make this work, their connection to each other is undeniable and they both have to acknowledge their feelings for one another, no matter how much they try to hide them.
I really loved this story. I'm a sucker for a good paranormal romance. I had never heard of this book and I just happened to stumble across it in the library. But I adored Sophie and Owen. Their characters were real and relatable, both experiencing some sort of pain and trauma in their past, which makes them afraid for their futures. They are both stubborn and won't admit just how strong their feelings are. And of course, Ivy's character was very entertaining. I found myself tearing through the pages, just to see what she would do next to stop the wedding. But she ended up being a much more complicated and layered character than just the ghost who haunts the house.
I highly recommend this story, especially if you like reading about the supernatural.
Onto the next book! Do you have any recommendations?
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