
Thursday, January 9, 2014

So Far, So Good

If you read my other blog, Sounds Like Chelsea's Life , you have probably seen this post, My Plausible Resolutions . In that post, I explain that instead of using my resolutions to completely change something about myself or a certain behavior, I am just going to try to do more of what makes me happy.

We are currently 9 days into 2014 and I just have to say that as far as resolutions are concerned, so far, so good. I'm not perfect but I have made a serious effort so far, which is what's important, right? The effort?

Number 1 on my list of 3 resolutions was to blog more. I would love to be the type of blogger that posts at least 3 to 5 times a week but I'm just not there yet. The passion and the desire to make my blog better and share my writing with the world is still there but sometimes I'm uninspired. I don't want to drag my blog's quality down because I force myself to write content that isn't good or worth sharing just for the sake of posting. So this resolution, I am still working on but I'm cutting myself some slack since it's still the beginning of the year and I've been doing great on my other resolutions.

Number 2 was to write more. A few months back, I wrote a post called "Don't Break the Chain". It was inspired by Mr. Alex Day, one of my favorite YouTubers. He is a musician and said that he used to only write songs when he was inspired but he quickly realized that if you do that, you can go weeks or months without creating any new content. So the idea is to set aside 30 minutes to an hour of each day to dedicate solely to writing songs, or in my case, novels. I started my own "chain" the day that I wrote that post but after a few weeks, I realized that my ideas were going nowhere and I hate to admit that... I broke the chain. However, a few weeks ago, I came up with another story idea and have been writing over an hour each day for over a week now. (The first few weeks after I came up with the idea were spent outlining to story, the characters, etc.) So I can very proudly say that I've kept to this resolution so far and I'm pretty proud of myself.

This is Alex's YouTube video for anyone that would like to watch it. (X is the letter that he uses to talk about not breaking the chain.)

And last but not least, number 3 was read more. I am a colossal bookworm but this year, for the first time, I have set a goal for how many books that I'd like to read. So far, I have read 4 books: Divergent, Matched, Uglies and Last Night at Chateau Marmont. I am currently just over 100 pages into Delirium and the sequel to Matched, which is called Crossed, just arrived in the mail yesterday. I am so excited to read that one! Reading is my escape from reality, it helps broaden my mind to new ideas, it helps me support the industry that I want to work in, it keeps my mind sharp, it helps shape my imagination and is just all around fun and relaxing. I have enjoyed every second of keeping to this resolution, although I didn't care for Uglies as much as I thought I would. But it was worth the read.

So that is a quick update on my 3 resolutions. I'd love to know if you've kept to yours so far or if you're making progress. Any progress is good progress!


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