
Monday, March 10, 2014

How I Read Tag

Hello, everyone! I hope that you all are having a spectacular day! As you all know by now, I'm a colossal bookworm and darn proud of it, I may add! So I thought I'd do the "How I Read Tag" to give you a little insight my reading style!


1. How do you find new books to read? 

Lately, I've been using BookTube, specifically Christine from polandbananasBOOKS! She and I have very similar taste in what we like to read. So if she recommends it, 9 out of 10 times, I'm going to read it. Of course, I also use other BookTuber recommendations, such as ones by Katytastic and Ariel Bissett.

2. How did you get into reading?

I can't remember not reading, actually. My parents always read to me at bedtime and they taught me to read at a really young age. I've had a book in my hand for as long as I can remember. 

3. How has your taste in books changed as you've gotten older?

Actually, this answer is probably going to sound really backwards. When I was in middle school, I was really into Adult Fiction, specifically Adult Romances, like Nicholas Sparks novels. Then one of my friends in high school freaked out when she found out that I hadn't read certain novels, so she lent me almost every book on her shelf (though not at the same time). So I during high school I read everything from The Vampire Academy Series to The Percy Jackson Series to Jane Austen novels. Now I read mostly YA. I know it really doesn't make sense, right?

4. How often do you buy books?

Not as often as I'd like! I normally buy books right after my birthday or Christmas because that's when people give me money or gift cards as gifts. But I mostly just check out books from the library.

5. How do you react when you don't like the end of the book?

Normally, I read books that none of my friends have read, so I hate that I can't vent to them about it. So I normally just vent to Kris, who is a really good listener. Then I feel better. Some of the time. 

6. How often do you look at the last page to see if it is a happy ending?

Never in my life have I done that, nor will I ever! I had a friend in high school that used to do that and it irked me to no end! As someone that is an aspiring author, I would never just skip to the end of another's author's book, which they spent months working on. Never. It defeats the purpose of reading it. 

That's it for this tag. If you fill this out yourself, leave me a link and I'll check it out! 


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